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HOPE Products: A Faithful Minister

One characteristic of the times we live in is the lack of faithfulness. In marriage, in the home, in the workplace, in the church, and…

God is Moving

Something is happening; God is moving.  When God starts to move, things get exciting.  In my spirit, beyond the terrible news headlines and grim predictions,…

Observations on Towers

I remember hiking to the top of the Clingmans Dome observation tower in North Carolina a few years ago. It was foggy as far as…

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HOPE Bibles: Printing Update

Last year at our banquets, I talked about the Chichewa Bible printing and our plan to distribute the Bibles to pastor fraternities. The Bibles were…

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HOPE Products: HOPE Horizons

Did you know our newsletter can arrive in your mailbox (or email inbox!) 6 times per year? We like to keep our friends and partners…

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How Can I Do More?

Have you ever heard someone say, “I wish I could do more?” Have you ever said that? Most of us have. Often, it’s in the…

Summer Fund Recap

Your teamwork is what makes the difference. As a staff team at Heralds of Hope, we want to take this time to say “Thank you”…

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HOPE Products: Revival Now

Where can we find revival? How can we find lasting change? Revival with “we” starts with me. Will it last? The deeper the change, the…

The WORD Matters

Stop and think, over the last 10 years, what has been the greatest influence to your Christianity? The answers may vary, but I am guessing…

Hope Products: Coloring Book

We are excited to announce that we now have a coloring book available! This project was very time-consuming and took a lot longer than we…

How Do You Relate?

Several months ago, our staff went through the DISC personality assessment. One exercise was telling each staff member something we appreciated about the ways they…

Talk About Exciting!

It is exciting to use media to make disciples of Jesus Christ to accomplish the Great Commission in our lifetime.  Our Vision Statement at Heralds…

Constrains, Controls, or Compels

You can probably think of a time when you were asked, “What were you thinking? Why did you do that?” and it’s likely you remember…

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