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christian blog squandering the inheritance

Squandering The Inheritance

The Prodigal Son is a story told to cliché: he is the classic ‘rich kid’ who spent all his money. But what does it mean to spend the inheritance early?
christian blogs finishing strong

Finishing Strong

2020 has been a most unusual year! Will you help us finish this year well and begin 2021 poised for additional growth? One opportunity is…

christian blog more than one bible

Do You Have More than One Bible?

We have been hearing from many people who have received Bibles! In one of the following testimonies, a recipient mentions that until recently, only one…

christian blog true religion

True Religion

Religion is a word that often gets a “bad rap.” Perhaps it is because it is seen as something formal or dead. Karl Marx famously…

christian blog the word in french

The Word in French!

We are so grateful for the opportunities God has been providing to get the Word into the hearts of many across the world. Along with…

christian blog jesus as lord

Jesus as Lord

But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and…

christian blogs conversion


It’s fascinating. So many similar words have a very different meaning, depending on very minute details.  It can be a letter or two change in…

christian blog vote with confidence

Vote With Confidence

Soon, voters in the United States will go to the polls to choose our next president and a host of other elected officials. In the…

christian blogs audio books for autum

Audio Books for Autumn

Autumn is here–it’s time to cozy up with some audio-books! Today, we travel from Sweden to America with the Larsson family. Sod House Winter (They…

christian blogs young man sit down

Young Man, Sit Down!

“Young man, sit down! You are an enthusiast. When God pleases to convert the heathen, he’ll do it without consulting you or me.” This was…

christian blogs simple concerning

Simple Concerning Evil

How do bank tellers know when they are handling fake money? Do they study counterfeiting in-depth? Must they mark every bill? No, they keep it "simple concerning evil." They study real money. They handle real money on a regular basis. And on those occasions where the bills are big, the counterfeiters are busy, or the money feels funny, they'll use a marker. That's how it ought to be with good and evil.
christian blogs the truth is simple

The Truth is Simple

The truth is relatively simple; it is weeding out the lies that makes things complicated. Whether it be discerning truth and error in a discussion or choosing between right and wrong in practice, the differences are largely clouded by falsehood.
christian blog learning from history

Learning from History

Recently, a gentleman came to my office and we were discussing the past; more specifically we were discussing his past. As we talked, the old…

christian blogs malawi police recieve word

Malawi Police Receive the Word!

We have been so encouraged with the reports from Malawi from Pastor Charles. Pastor Charles received both HOPE Bibles and Chichewa Bibles from Pastor Victor…

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