Be Careful How You Judge
We are all made with the ability to decide. God has placed within us reasoning powers. Those reasoning powers cover the whole of life, every area, and make us continually responsible. Some have developed this ability to a high degree. In the legal profession they are appointed judges, to interpret the laws of our communities […]
He Is Different
We are all alike in many ways: we get hungry; we get tired; we get thirsty. We have many needs that are alike: food, clothing, shelter. Of course these are physical needs. But in the spiritual area we are also all alike. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and come […]
End The Search
Are you still searching, seeking, looking, and longing for something? Do you know what you need? Deep in the heart of every man, woman, and child is a longing for rest. One great African Christian many years ago said, “Our souls are restless until they find their rest in Thee.” But the question is, “Where […]
Is This The Very Christ?
Various religions and sects take different views regarding Jesus of Nazareth. Some say He was an outstanding miracle worker and indeed He was. Some say He was a prophet, maybe not quite equal to Moses but a very important prophet. We would say with them that’s true. Christians of every nation, however, believe Jesus to […]
Obedience Opens Understanding
John 7:14-24 Hello friend and welcome to Hope for Today. My name is J. Mark Horst; I’m your friendand Bible teacher. The program you’re listening to is produced by Heralds of Hope, aninternational Gospel radio and literature ministry. Each week the Bible teaching broadcasts ofHeralds of Hope circle the globe in English and 21 other […]
Living in the Open
John 7:1-13 Hello friend and welcome to Hope for Today. My name is J. Mark Horst; I’m your friendand Bible teacher. The program you’re listening to is produced by Heralds of Hope, aninternational Gospel radio and literature ministry. Each week the Bible teaching broadcasts ofHeralds of Hope circle the globe in English and 21 other […]
Beyond the Material
“Beyond the Material” John 6:60-65 Hello friend and welcome to Hope for Today. My name is J. Mark Horst; I’m your friendand Bible teacher. The program you’re listening to is produced by Heralds of Hope, aninternational Gospel media ministry. Each week the Bible teaching broadcasts of Heralds of Hopecircle the globe in English and 21 […]
More Than Existence
“More Than Existence” John 6:51-59 Hello friend and welcome to Hope for Today. My name is J. Mark Horst; I’m your friendand Bible teacher. The program you’re listening to is produced by Heralds of Hope, aninternational Gospel radio and literature ministry. Each week the Bible teaching broadcasts of Heralds of Hope circle the globe in […]