The Crucifixion

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
The Crucifixion

John 19:16-22 Hello friend, and thank you for joining us for another week here on Hope for Today. This program is produced by Heralds of Hope, and we are honored to be teaching from God’s word and broadcasting the teaching around the world each week via radio. This program will be translated and broadcast in […]

The Final Choice

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
The Final Choice

John 19:8-15 We are honored to be with you again today. It is a privilege to study God’s word with you; thanks for joining us. We are Heralds of Hope, and this program is one way we can fulfill Jesus’ last command. Jesus told us in Matt 28 to “Go ye therefore and teach all […]

Who Is Guilty?

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
Who Is Guilty?

John 19:1-7 Hello, and thank you for joining us. This program is produced by Heralds of Hope, and we are honored to share this teaching with you. We believe the Word of God and are committed to teaching from it. The reason for this is because our experience has shown the Bible has the best […]

Pilate – The Roman Governor

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
Pilate – The Roman Governor

John 18:28-40 Thank you for joining us; we are glad to be here and honored you are there. This is Hope for Today, and this program is produced by Heralds of Hope; our goal is to use media to make disciples of Jesus Christ to accomplish the Great Commission in our lifetime. While you are […]

The High Priest

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
The High Priest

John 18:12-24 Blessings of Grace and Peace from the Lord Jesus Christ, He is our risen Savior, and it’s Him we magnify and glorify with our lives. We are glad to be with you again this week; thank you for joining us. We are Heralds of Hope, and every week our Bible teaching is broadcast […]

Peter – His Failure

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
Peter – His Failure

John 18:10,11; 15-18; 25-27 We greet you in the powerful name of Jesus, this Jesus who has defeated death and conquered the grave. He is the one we exalt and worship as the true God. We are Heralds of Hope, and we are so glad you have chosen to join us for today’s teaching from […]

Judas – The Betrayer

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
Judas – The Betrayer

John 18:1-9 Thank you for joining us as we continue our study in the Gospel of John. We are honored to be here and look forward to learning from God’s word with you. This broadcast is sponsored by Heralds of Hope. We are an organization dedicated to using media to make disciples of Jesus Christ […]

The High Calling

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
The High Calling

John 17:18-26 We greet you with Grace and Peace from Jesus Christ. We are honored to be teaching His word via radio, and we are very thankful you have joined us. This is Hope for Today, and this program is produced by Heralds of Hope. Heralds of Hope began back in 1967 with the goal […]

Jesus’ Goals For Disciples

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
Jesus' Goals For Disciples

John 17:9-17 We are honored to be with you again this week, and we thank you for joining us. We greet you in the precious name of Jesus, and it is Him we exalt and praise. You are listening to Hope for Today, and this program is produced by Heralds of Hope. Each week, this […]

The Difference In Jesus

the word john series|||||
Hope for Today (English)
The Difference In Jesus

John 17:1-8 Blessings of Grace and Peace from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. We are honored to share with you today from God’s Word, and we are thankful you choose to join us. We are Heralds of Hope, and every week our Bible teaching is broadcast around the world via radio. […]

Bible Distribution

Heralds of Hope partners with in-culture believers to distribute Bibles. By collaborating closely with these partners around the world, we empower them to share God’s Word with their own communities.

Audio Content

Heralds of Hope offers two distinctive teaching programs: The Voice of Hope and Hope for Today, each centered on expository Bible teaching. The Voice of Hope is a weekly, thirty-minute program in English, while Hope for Today is a fifteen-minute international program offered in 26 languages. Both are available through radio and social media platforms.

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