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Death IS Defeated

Death seems final. When someone is near death and brought back to life, it is big news. This is for good reason because it is…

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Can God Use Your Failure?

None of us like to think about failing. The word may bring unpleasant thoughts to us about failures in our own lives or in others…

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What is the Purpose of the Law? Part 1

There are several different types of laws used to govern people: civil laws, Ecclesiastical law, natural laws, and even some unwritten cultural laws. Each one…

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Truth First

Our children are at the age where they like to do puzzles. Typically, we dump the puzzle on the table and begin by flipping all…

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The Plague of Frogs

Sometimes when God answers prayer, the frogs stink a little. Sometimes God’s people suffer along with the wicked. The disaster may have ended, but the…

Christmas Is About The Cross

Christmas–the very mention triggers immediate mental reactions–food, gifts, family reunions, classical music, church services, games, caroling, snow activities, etc. I submit to you, Christmas is…

Does It Have To Be This Way?

As we move into the thick of the Christmas season, marketed to us as a festive happy time with family and friends, we are all…

Humbled and Exalted

Philippians 2 has a great exposition describing Jesus Christ. Paul begins this section by encouraging us to have the same attitude Jesus had.  Verses 5-11…

Observations on Towers

I remember hiking to the top of the Clingmans Dome observation tower in North Carolina a few years ago. It was foggy as far as…

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Think Up

At the heart of 1 Corinthians 13, known as the love chapter, we find verse 7, the center verse, and maybe even the central verse.…

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The TRUTH of the Gospel

I have been studying and teaching through the Letter of Paul to the Galatians and have been finding it to be quite challenging spiritually and…

How Do You Relate?

Several months ago, our staff went through the DISC personality assessment. One exercise was telling each staff member something we appreciated about the ways they…

Constrains, Controls, or Compels

You can probably think of a time when you were asked, “What were you thinking? Why did you do that?” and it’s likely you remember…

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