Summer Matching Fund!

As summer unfolds with its vibrant warmth and abundance, we at Heralds of Hope are grateful for your faithful support. Your generosity has been the cornerstone of our mission as we are “Working Together, Winning the World.” Today, we are excited to share inspiring updates and invite you to join us in our Summer Fund Campaign.

Reaching New Hearts: Dari Language Broadcast

Last year, we mentioned the possibility of broadcasting in the Dari language, spoken by approximately 12 million people, primarily in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

We are excited to share that the program has begun production. These broadcasts will reach a population with a literacy rate of just 37%, where access to biblical teaching is limited both by persecution and by a lack of education. Your support enables many Dari speakers to hear and find hope in the Word of God. This crucial work is only possible with supporters like you.

For each $1 you give, up to $80,000, generous donors will give $2 towards our goal of $240k.

Strengthening Foundations: Hindi Language Broadcast

Our Hindi broadcasts touch the lives of many of the 600 million Hindi speakers in India and Nepal. With its vast population and diverse culture, India has many people seeking spiritual truth and guidance. As the government in India increases the pressure against Christianity, there is a great hunger for accessible Bible teachings. Our programs are providing that much-needed spiritual nourishment, fostering communities of faith and hope in areas where they are desperately needed.

Below, is our Hindi translator, Dr. Joseph’s, personal testimony of working with the HOH scripts.

“While translating the Heralds of Hope Scripts, I have realized that the Word of God is explained in great depth using apt and practical examples. I am personally blessed with the messages of Dr. J. Otis Yoder. The best part is that the language is very simple and comprehensible even for people who are less educated. Non-believers can also connect with the messages very well and be led to have faith in Christ. Easily adaptable and applicable.” 

Rice Harvest in India

A Heartfelt Thank You

Your faithful support over the years makes these broadcasts possible. Your prayers, contributions, and commitment to our mission have borne fruit in countless lives transformed by the Gospel. From the remote villages in Afghanistan to the bustling cities of India, your dedication makes an eternal difference.

Join Us: Working Together, Winning the World

As we continue to sow seeds of hope across the globe, we invite you to participate in our Summer Fund Campaign. This fund supports unsponsored and under-supported international broadcasts, ensuring that the Good News reaches every corner of the world.

Following, is a list of unsponsored and partially sponsored broadcasts. Learn more about Adopt-a-Broadcast here!

Juba Arabic


Arabic (Egyptian) Tajik

By joining our Summer Fund Campaign, you are partnering with us in the great harvest. Together, we can overcome barriers and bring the light of the Gospel to those in darkness.

Will you help us reach our goal? Your gift, no matter the size, enables our “Working Together, Winning the World.” You can donate here or mail your gift to HOH. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity and faithfulness.

Remember, your gift will be matched, up to 80k, from the Double Matching Fund.

Sincerely, in the HOPE of the Gospel,
Jeremy Sensenig, and the HOH Team

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