Anthony High Interview

The Voice of Hope
The Voice of Hope
Anthony High Interview

Bible Distribution in Guinea-Bissau, Interview with Anthony High

This is a special feature on the VOH. J. Mark Horst interviews Anthony High, our Executive Director. Next week, we will return to our series in the book of Mark.

Do you remember your first Bible? The first copy I had was called The Rainbow Bible. It had a picture on the front cover of Jesus blessing the children and it had a zipper to keep it closed. Today, I have numerous copies of the Scripture in my home and office. Yet many people in other parts of the world don’t have a copy of God’s Word.

Last fall, Tony High, our Executive Director, traveled to Guinea Bissau to help distribute Bibles in a very unique language. Today, I will interview him about that trip. I know you will be blessed as you listen. – J. Mark Horst, Bible Teacher

Watch the video version of the interview here:

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