A Celebration of the Incarnation

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The Voice of Hope
A Celebration of the Incarnation

A Celebration of the Incarnation

Italicized/bold titles are song titles.

            It’s Christmas Time               

            Joy to the World                   

Thank you, men. And thank you for joining us for this special, Christmas edition of The Voice of Hope, a “Celebration of the Incarnation.” One thing I particularly enjoy about this season of the year is the music. Music expresses the whole range of human emotions, but at this time of year, especially JOY!

In a few moments we’ll continue celebrating the birth of the Savior with a variety of musical selections focusing on different aspects of His coming to earth as a baby.

This is The Voice of Hope and I’m your host, J. Mark Horst. I invite you to sit back, reflect, and worship with me in this “Celebration of the Incarnation” – the Word became flesh and lived among us. And He came as a newborn baby.

            Infant Holy                            

            Tiny King                                

            Noel, We Sing                        

            Still, Still, Still                                    

You know, the miracle of the Incarnation is so amazing – Emmanuel – God with us! That God would veil Himself in human flesh defies human logic. The powerful condescending to the powerless? That’s not how the world works! But that’s how God works. We know, our lives have been transformed because Christ was born!

            Christ is Born                         

            The Star and the Wise Men  

Another amazing reality of the Incarnation is that while Jesus is no longer here physically, He’s here in the Holy Spirit. And that same Holy Spirit lives in the heart of every genuinely born-again disciple of Jesus. So, let’s join the Shalom Quartet in asking Jesus to reveal Himself to the world through us, His children.

            Be Born in Us                         


I hope you’ve been blessed by these musical selections. They should be a reminder that the celebration of the Incarnation is alive in our hearts every day of the year. As I mentioned earlier – He is Emmanuel, God with us!

 If you’d like to help support this ministry financially, you can include a gift with your letter, or donate securely online. Truly, it is God’s grace, accompanied by your fervent prayers and your generous financial support that will enable THE VOICE OF HOPE to be on the air until Jesus comes in the air.

            Now, don’t forget to join me next week for The Voice of Hope. And until we meet again…

                        In the First Light                    

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