Streamlining the CRM Systems

This is an update from the IT department here at Heralds of Hope.

We have been in the process of implementing a new CRM system since February. You might be asking, “What is a CRM?”  CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management.  It is just a fancy name for a database that allows the tracking of accounts, contacts, donations, tasks, and many more things that may be proprietary to a particular organization. We have been working in two CRM systems, and our goal is to unify them into one new CRM and to track all our operations there.

Our organization, like many others, is made up of several moving parts. Being able to track those and use automation will allow us to provide better reporting and metrics as well as hopefully increase our productivity.  Projects like these are often painful as there are obstacles to overcome and new ways of working and entering data to learn. However, one big advantage during a project like this is if an organization can be flexible.

Depending on your personality, you may welcome change, or you may balk at change. However, being flexible, as you can imagine, makes things go much smoother. My teammates have been very patient and willing to learn new ways of working, which makes a project like this enjoyable.  I count it a privilege to be able to be doing something I enjoy and impacting eternity at the same time.  

Please pray that we can continue to make progress with the implementation of our new CRM.
-Austin Musser

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