Read Romans and Revelation This Fall 

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This Fall, a fresh printing of Dr. J. Otis Yoder’s work on Romans and Revelation will be available at our PR table. We have reworked the insides cover to cover, and the new covers are professionally designed. But enough about appearances. 

Sermons by J. Otis Yoder have a special quality to them that is largely missing today. When I read his expositions of Gospel truth, I am amazed at how practical each scene from God’s Word becomes. The gospel is clearly in view, but the transformation that God wants to make in our lives is clearly shown.  

Today, weak testimony has led to weak theology. Dr. Yoder speaks with sincere and clear authority. He draws the strength of his messages directly from the Word of God, allowing what God has to say to be unmistakably known. 

One aspect that I have experienced is “the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). When we observe God’s ways and wisdom, which is so well done in these expositions, there is tremendous potential for growth in godly thinking.  

With the modern excess of information, distractions warp our perspective. So, unplug. Open a paper book. Spend 20 minutes there. Change your thinking. Change it by looking at what God has done and how He does it, and let that change your ways. 

Read a book that makes Romans less difficult to understand, and more practical, putting the difficulty where it ought to be—in our surrender. 

Read a book that makes Revelation less of an inaccessible cipher, and more of a revelation of God’s divine justice, and how we must prepare. 

You will get that opportunity with Romans and Revelation starting at our fall banquets. The Romans book is entitled The Righteousness of God. And the Revelation book is, It Is Finished.  

Over the next few years, we plan to republish more of Dr. Yoder’s best material.  

One unfinished reprint, Who Manages History, gives the full picture of God’s covenants with man throughout history. For me, that really brings home the point of how much God seeks a relationship with each one of us. 

So, if you want more insight into God’s ways and God’s story, consider adding Dr. Yoder’s biblical expositions to your reading list. 

Order online or pick up a copy at an event.

~ Eric Druist 

P.S. The Romans book was formerly entitled, To The Romans

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