One of the most destabilizing and destructive aspects of African society and, by extension, the governments of those peoples, is the aspect of corruption. It is easy to say, “Well, the people are corrupt because they need Jesus.” This is true. It is not the end of the story though. In my observation, the largest motivation for corruption in Africa is a sense of entitlement. There is a big temptation for less fortunate people to look at others in a more prosperous setting and rationalize that those people need to share. This is not unique to Africa. Obviously, the more prosperous societies need to be generous and giving, but when people in need begin to develop an attitude of entitlement, it is easy for them to rationalize that it is only fair to take unlawfully what is being denied them by race or class. It happens in America; it happens in Africa. Ultimately, it is because of an innate selfishness, but this selfish entitlement complex is a powerful force when influenced by the momentum of generations. More prosperous societies can unwittingly reinforce this mentality by giving materially rather than caring personally for the development of individuals locked in this vicious cycle of rationalization.
I am only making some observations, I’m sure that I am not wise enough to or noble enough to be able to create a magic or complete solution for the needs of the people of Africa. I don’t understand the culture well enough to be able to speak in a way that could change the mindset and outlook of the next generations. I am confident though, that the answers for people in any culture and place can be found in the Holy Scriptures, the inspired word of God Himself. I am thankful to be a part of an organization like Heralds of Hope. When the Word of God is taught and explained over the airwaves of the radio or is read in the villages in a native language, those impacted have an opportunity to meet God himself. God is faithful to provide for those who truly seek Him. We need to continue to be faithful in distributing our resources in a way that will have a positive impact to those that are seeking Truth. I just want to say thank you to all of you who are financially supporting the work of Heralds of Hope in donating funds for this great opportunity to spread the message of hope, wisdom, grace, and truth.
Before I conclude, I would make a plea that you also invest your time praying for wisdom as we navigating the complexities of other cultures as this Message is distributed. The desire for those leading the work at Heralds of Hope is that people learn to know the Master, the greatest fisherman. If they know Him, certainly He can teach them to fish, that they may then escape the debilitating mentality of entitlement.
My trip to Africa has helped me to realize again an old truth. We Christians have been blessed with an incredible blessing, even greater than an American passport or American riches. Our inheritance is a place in heaven, sitting at the feet of Jesus, praising Him for eternity. May God bless us with wisdom and make us generous with our inheritance.
-Kenneth Martin, HOH Board