LIVING HOPE to all generations

Reaching un-reached or under-served people groups is difficult.

Back in 1792, William Carey was convinced it must be done. He wrote a book entitled: An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens. In this little book with an enormous title, Carey laid out an argument that Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:18-20 to go into all the world and teach all people, is for Christians today, not just for the Apostles. William Carey lived his ideals, moving across the globe, preaching the Gospel, and translating the Bible.

Today, we have many opportunities to sow the seeds of the Gospel. We have many electronic means, as well as cost-effective printing. Heralds of Hope is using some of these ways to spread the Gospel in 23 languages. To fund this work, we are focusing on finding churches, businesses, and individuals to sponsor a specific language. However, 8 of our broadcasts are unsponsored, and another 5 are partially sponsored.

We need your help to plant Gospel seeds of living hope! For each $1 you give, up to $80,000, generous donors will give $2 towards our goal of $240K.

Our vision is to use media to make disciples of Jesus Christ to accomplish the Great Commission in our lifetime.

Our goal is to broadcast the Gospel in Amharic and Oromo in Ethiopia, the under-sponsored languages below, and beyond!

As you see in the testimonies in this letter, the Good News is bearing fruit. Be blessed by this response, from a listener in Ethiopia.

“Our community is in a difficult situation. Please, remember us in your prayers. The HOH radio program is encouraging us in hard times.”

If the $240K goal is reached, the overage will be designated for the growth of prospective broadcast opportunities like the Dari and Bengali. (*Marked by asterisks above.)

Sincerely, in the HOPE of the Gospel,
Anthony High,
and the HOH Team

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