Life-change for a Translator

In the fall of 2023, I (Austin Musser) had the opportunity to meet some of the Bemba tribe in Zambia, Africa, and meet with Radio One Love.  Praise the Lord we have been able to partner with them and start broadcasting in the Bemba language.  Below is a testimony from the translator.

“I [want to] share my experience during the translation of the document. This document has profound information, and the biblical explanations caught my attention the most. I have read the Bible several [times], but I have never gotten such deep understanding on the word, the creator, and just how everything came to be. I have learned so much about sin that I have ignored in my Christian journey. I have also learned that God never turns back on his word. He does what he says and sees it to its accomplishment. Indeed, one can say we are surrounded by many wonderful creations by God Himself. What a great architect.

For me this has not only been a professional opportunity but a life changing experience. I have done translation for many organizations, but [your teaching] has revealed so many things that I only had ideas about. Thank you for this life-changing document. I believe my life is a new beginning because I have some information that will help me transform my mindset.”

– Bemba response

Following are more testimonies from various parts of the world! Please join us in praying for these contacts.

“I love listening to Radio 7, especially during the weekend. After a week spent in many activities and challenges, I like to take a moment to reflect upon what God is doing inside of me and around me. Your program, Heralds of Hope, has given me a lot of encouragement, especially after I faced a difficult heath diagnosis. To be honest, I have tried to keep my faith through hardship, but at times I feel overwhelmed from the pain I’m feeling, numerous doctor’s appointments, and, at the end, no answers. Particularly, a message I heard about the Healer in Galilee opened my eyes to keep staying strong in faith knowing that God can, and he will perform miraculous healing. Whenever I am down, I see that the Word of God spoken through your program helps me to get back up and continue the fight!”

– Albanian listener

“I am very happy to have this free Bible. I couldn’t find money to buy a Bible since my husband passed away. I have a big responsibility of children, so I thank the giver. I was using a torn Bible. God bless you.”

– Malawi Bible testimony

“I am happy to receive this Bible through my pastor. As a new convert, I hope I will know more about God and grow in the faith. May God bless you friends in the United States of America for sending Bibles to us. Amen.”

– Malawi Bible testimony

“I appreciate your Bible with the whole of my heart. I was a street girl, but now, I’m for the Lord. God bless all of you.” – Sister Glory

– Nigeria Bible testimony

– Austin Musser

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