Have you ever wondered about the relationship between the Law and the Gospel, or as it is sometimes stated, the relationship between law and grace? In Romans 10:4 we read, “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” Is the “end of the law”, the termination point? Did the Law of Moses have an expiration date? Does the Law of Moses still have a valid function in our day, or is it completely nullified by the Gospel?
In spite of our questions, we can confidently affirm that Jesus fulfills the Old Testament in that all of it points to Him, and all of it finds its fullest and complete meaning in Him.
Our featured product this month is the book, “The Law and the Gospel,” expositions from the book of Galatians by the late Dr. J. Otis Yoder. In this book, Dr. Yoder expounds on the teaching of the apostle Paul as he addresses the Galatian Believers in their struggle to find answers to some of the questions raised above.
This little book may confirm some of your beliefs on this subject, but it may also challenge some of them. It will show you that the law still has a function today. Without the law, we would have no knowledge of what God’s requirements are for righteousness. And the law, even with its weaknesses, pointed forward to something better, really Someone better.
Some topics covered in this little volume are: How to Test Your Heart; How to be Justified Before God; Why the Law of Moses? and 25 others.
This little book can be used as resource material for pastors, those who teach Sunday School or Christian school Bible classes, or those who lead community Bible studies. But we also recommend it to ALL Christ-followers. It will give you a better understanding of Paul’s letter to the Galatians and show you how this teaching is relevant to our time and your life.
-J. Mark Horst