HOPE in Bemba

Since 2020, we realize the insufficiency of zoom calls and online meetings. We are thankful for this technology and ability to connect, but it is not a substitute for in person connection. We value the chance to meet our partners and thank God for the opportunity we had to travel to Eldoret, Kenya and meet with Pastor Joe.

One of the highlights of our trip was a pastors meeting hosted by Joe Omondi at Vine Sanctuary. Pastor Joe invited all the leaders who had benefited from Hope Bibles. There was a nice representation of pastors and there was close to 300 churches represented at this meeting.

The three of us shared different aspects of HOH and a challenge from the Word. The instant connection and comradery we had while meeting for the first time is not something we can make up on our own and we thank God for His Spirit’s guidance.

One highlight was to hear the testimonies of a few leaders who had taken our Bibles to rural areas. One leader had the Bibles sent via mail to the town ahead of him. He did this because it was so dangerous and he did not want to risk being caught with the Bibles. Another leader shared how the Bibles were celebrated when she took them to the rural north. It was encouraging to hear these testimonies and connect with the leaders in Kenya.

Please continue to pray with us and for us as we follow God’s direction.
-Arlin Horst

What a privilege it was to be able to travel, as an HOH employee, to Kenya and Zambia this fall. Our days were full of travel with 13 flights over 12 days.

One of the things I enjoyed was spending time with the One Love Radio staff and touring their station. They treated us very kindly and gave a lot of their time to travel with us throughout Zambia. One Love Radio is a Christian radio station based in Lusaka, Zambia. They have branch locations in Lusaka, Mansa, Kasama, Mongu, and Siavonga.  If you are interested in hearing what is currently playing over the air you can listen on their website at onelovezambia.com/live.

One of our goals in meeting with them was to see if they would be interested in airing our Hope For Today program in Bemba. Zambia is made up of 73 tribes and even though English is the official language, many people still prefer to speak their native language. The largest tribe is the Bemba people and up to 33% of Zambians speak Bemba. Currently, most of Radio One Love’s teaching programming is in English so we are excited about the possibility of providing Biblical teaching in Bemba. Some of the locations they are airing in are quite rural where Biblical resources may not be readily available. We were able to distribute some Bemba Bibles that HOH had purchased as well as the One Love staff distributed some solar powered radios.

Please pray for wisdom and God’s direction as we continue exploring what a partnership would look like. 
-Austin Musser

Bible Distribution

Heralds of Hope partners with in-culture believers to distribute Bibles. By collaborating closely with these partners around the world, we empower them to share God’s Word with their own communities.

Audio Content

Heralds of Hope offers two distinctive teaching programs: The Voice of Hope and Hope for Today, each centered on expository Bible teaching. The Voice of Hope is a weekly, thirty-minute program in English, while Hope for Today is a fifteen-minute international program offered in 26 languages. Both are available through radio and social media platforms.

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