An Invitation to Pray with Us

We are in a spiritual battle, and prayer is such a vital weapon. Our enemy knows his end is near, and he is on a warpath. It is crucial that we, as believers, constantly bear in mind the urgency of the hour, and be faithful to watch in prayer.

One opportunity Heralds of Hope gives you to engage in prayer with us is through our prayer calendar. It is so encouraging to receive those phone calls, letters, and emails where supporters and listeners tell us they are praying with and for us, and are using the prayer calendar. Together, as a Heralds of Hope family, and more importantly, as the bride of Christ, we are making a difference through prayer in this most epic of battles.

Would you pray with us that as the Word of God goes out this week, that it would find fertile soil in the hearts of listeners around the world, that lives would be changed, and that God’s Kingdom would be expanded? If you would like more prayer ideas or resources, I invite you to reach out to the office staff.

-Jeremy Sensenig

Bible Distribution

Heralds of Hope partners with in-culture believers to distribute Bibles. By collaborating closely with these partners around the world, we empower them to share God’s Word with their own communities.

Audio Content

Heralds of Hope offers two distinctive teaching programs: The Voice of Hope and Hope for Today, each centered on expository Bible teaching. The Voice of Hope is a weekly, thirty-minute program in English, while Hope for Today is a fifteen-minute international program offered in 26 languages. Both are available through radio and social media platforms.

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