2022 Audited Financial Statement

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Heralds of Hope is required to request an audited financial statement by Certified Public Accountants. Our statements and the IRS Form 990 tax return for non-profits is now complete. As an organization, we value transparency and accountability and so you may download and view these documents right here on our website. Please feel free to ask questions through one of our Contact Us options.

Here are a couple of quick notes from the previous year:

In 2022, we were able to reduce our administrative and fundraising costs from 2021; thus, 80.1% of our expenses were directly related to programs.

There was one error from last year that was corrected. Below is the auditor’s note:

“Beginning net assets with donor restrictions were reduced and reclassified to without donor restrictions in the amount of $157,658 because donor restrictions pertaining to various international broadcasts were not applicable as of December 31, 2021. The effect on the change in net assets and total beginning net assets is zero. This correction was made in order for opening net assets to conform with generally accepted accounting principles.”

Heralds of Hope is grateful to Payne, White, and Schmutz CPA, PA, for their services in performing the 2022 audit.

-Anthony High, Executive Director

Bible Distribution

Heralds of Hope partners with in-culture believers to distribute Bibles. By collaborating closely with these partners around the world, we empower them to share God’s Word with their own communities.

Audio Content

Heralds of Hope offers two distinctive teaching programs: The Voice of Hope and Hope for Today, each centered on expository Bible teaching. The Voice of Hope is a weekly, thirty-minute program in English, while Hope for Today is a fifteen-minute international program offered in 26 languages. Both are available through radio and social media platforms.

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