Unprecedented HOPE

christian blogs unprecedented hope

Unprecedented this and unprecedented that… during the last two years this adjective has fit so well so often. The word means, “not done or experienced before.” This word describes our experiences well, and many of us have “unprecedented” fatigue (true both ways.) We look forward to the day when things are more normal and not so unprecedented.

I was thinking about the times we are in as I was reading Matthew 24 and the parallel passages of Mark 13 and Luke 21. Comparing these passages to our dilemma, one realizes there are more unprecedented times coming. However, as I meditated on these passages, I was encouraged, the opposite of how you feel after hearing the news. The Biblical description of what is coming sounds worse than what most of us have endured, yet after reading it, I have more hope.

I would like to share a few of the verses which give hope: hope for the time we are in, but even better, hope in a God who knows all things. As you think about these verses, feel free to share a thought in the comments that gives you hope.

In Mark 13:11, Jesus tells us, “Take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak…for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.”  This reminded me of the quote, “You don’t realize God is all you need until God is all you have.” As messed up and sinful as we are, the living God walks with us. Incredible. 

Matt 24:25 reminds us of God’s omnipotence. Nothing happens outside of His knowledge—nothing! Past, present, future, personal, cultural, and world-wide, God knows every event before any of us experience it. This fills me with hope.

Last one: Matt 24:35. Currently, earthly things are being shaken, and from this passage, it looks like more shaking is coming. If our trust is in anything earthly, it is high time we move our trust to something secure, like His Word and His Kingdom. Hebrews 12:28, “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved…” No more instability and volatility—put your hope in the solid Rock.

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I’m looking forward to hearing what brings you hope from these verses.
Thanks, Arlin Horst

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