Christian Publications | Access WORDS Capable of Changing your Life!

“Sanctify them (Jesus’ followers) in TRUTH, Thy WORD is TRUTH”

Have you been searching for solid and Biblically-based Christian Publications? Do you wish to hold the Word of God in your hands or hunger to study Biblical teaching on paper? Perhaps you desire to teach or to share Jesus with neighbors or family?

If so, one of the best ways for you to equip yourself and others is through tangible Christian Literature. Our Christian Publications stand ready to supply you with solid Bible Study Guides, a Bible of your own, and encouraging Christian books. All for FREE!

Receive by Mail or Access The Hope Herald Magazine Online!

If your greatest desire is for a Bible Study tool, the Hope Herald Magazine is for you! Whether you are curious about Christianity, isolated due to persecution, or surrounded by other spiritually hungry fellow believers, this magazine provides you a guide for learning how to study God’s Word. Plus, Hope Herald offers you a springboard of important study questions to discuss with fellow believers.

Receive Free Christian Books & Tracts, the Library Box (international listeners only)

Is your soul thirsty for more and more of God? Do you wish you had more Christian Teaching and discipleship resources? Perhaps you wish to share Christian literature with other hungry truth seekers or fellow believers? If so, our Library Box is filled with devotionals, books on Bible study methods, prayer, Bible doctrines, and assurance of salvation. Plus, we include evangelism tracts for spreading the love of Jesus.

Receive a Cheap Bible by Mail | the HOPE Bible

“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be FILLED!” If your soul hungers for the bread of the Word of the Lord, our cheap Hope Bible can fill your yearnings! The Hope Bible is a cheap King James Bible designed with careful durability to last you many years of use. Currently, at Heralds of Hope, the Hope Bible is only available in English. However, in the meantime, we can connect you with international ministry partners who distribute Bibles in over 20 languages! Discover if your language is on the list or order a Hope Bible today!

Do you ever wonder where to find the TRUTH? Do you feel lost or confused at times in the sea of diverse belief systems, literature, and voices all claiming truth? Do you know that this tension in your heart and mind is God-given? Why? Because there is such a thing as absolute truth. Meaning, “it is true for all people for all times, for all places”. The Words of God are Absolute Truth.

The last days, even some of the Church will stray from being solidly founded on the Words of God. However, Heralds of Hope builds all its Christian Publications centered around the inspired Word of God.

There is More HOPE Awaiting You!

If you are looking for more Christian Teaching Resources beyond the above Christian Publications, more spiritual food and encouragement await you! Or if you are feeling lost, depressed, or alone, Heralds of Hope exists to walk with you and give you unshakeable HOPE!

Bible Distribution

Heralds of Hope partners with in-culture believers to distribute Bibles. By collaborating closely with these partners around the world, we empower them to share God’s Word with their own communities.

Audio Content

Heralds of Hope offers two distinctive teaching programs: The Voice of Hope and Hope for Today, each centered on expository Bible teaching. The Voice of Hope is a weekly, thirty-minute program in English, while Hope for Today is a fifteen-minute international program offered in 26 languages. Both are available through radio and social media platforms.

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