How Things Change

christian blogs how things change

Do you like looking through old pictures? Recently we have been sorting through some old slides at Heralds of Hope that have been in our archive room for years. Cambria and Autumn (Tony High’s daughters) have been coming to the office a few days a week to scan each individual slide to make a digital copy of each picture. Each scan takes approximately 3-4 minutes per slide, so we are grateful for their help in this time-consuming process.

The pictures show that there have been many changes at Heralds of Hope over the years, but some things (like the wallpaper) are still the same. One of the changes that I have noticed in looking through these slides is in the international mail requests for Bibles and literature. Instead of huge stacks of snail mail (as shown in one of the pictures), we have many emails to answer. It is amazing to see the ways that God has changed and grown our ministry over the years and how He uses current methods of communication, no matter what they are.

—Janette Martin

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