Hope Herald

The Hope Herald Periodical | Become an Equipped Disciple of Jesus Today!

Current Hope herald

Hope Herald Archive

Hope Herald 2013
Moses, Part 1
Q&A: Law & Grace, Part 1
Q&A: Genesis 20-36
Sermons: 2 Peter
How Should a 1-6
Sermons: Hebrews
How Could God Have a Son?

“…If you hold to My [JESUS] Teachings, you are really My disciples.” John 8:31

Do you want to become an equipped disciple of Jesus? Have you been looking for a solid discipleship resource? One where you can learn about the teachings of Jesus Christ, walk guided through books of the Bible, and receive practical applications for your daily life? If so, it sounds like the Hope Herald Periodical is the right spiritual tool for you!

Perhaps you are simply curious about the Bible Teachings of Jesus and want to discover more about their meanings and your connection to them. Wherever you find yourself in your spiritual journey, Hope Herald presents you with the chance to learn more about the Bible Teachings of Jesus.  

What the Hope Herald Periodical Offers You!

The Hope Herald Magazine, first published in 1976, provides you with a free, yearly Christian Periodical filled with the following spiritual tools:

A Personal Message from the Bible Teacher

Theological Topics Ranging from Joy to Forgiveness.
Expositional Sermon Scripts

Bible Study Questions Related to the Sermon

A Prayer Guide for the Global ChurchRadio Directory – Updated Broadcast Times and Frequencies to Many Countries on Our Mailing List

Editorials on Various Topics

teaching of jesus christ

The Hope Herald Periodical first began as a supplement to our radio broadcast’s sermons. Now, more than 45 years later, the periodical has become a very popular and globally sought-after discipleship resource to understand the Bible’s teachings of Jesus. Depending on your situation, reading the Hope Herald Periodical right off our website might be the most efficient way for you to begin digesting this spiritual food resource.However, if you want to share this resource with others, or love to jot personal notes over the study pages, then printing copies out might be your next best option. So, if you own a printer or have access to one as well a good internet connection, we invite you to print copies of the Hope Herald Periodical for free.

Receive a Hard Copy by Mail

If you happen to live in Nigeria, Ghana, or Malawi, you are from one of our three largest Hope Herald recipients. However, we have mailed Hope Herald as widely as India, Pakistan, Algeria, Great Britain, and the Philippines. Wherever you are geographically located, contact us, and we can mail one to you! Getting the Hope Herald Periodical by mail provides you a with. a supplement to the lasting Bible teachings of Jesus. Additionally, you can subscribe to our 3-year subscription plan, this allows the Hope Herald to be automatically sent to your address at the beginning of each new year. Diving into the Bible teachings of Jesus is the ultimate way to enter each new year!

When you request your hard copy of the Hope Herald, please let us know if this is for our 3 year subscription service or a one time request.

Wait, Dear Friend! There is More for You from Heralds of Hope!

Are you looking for more tools for digesting the Bible Teachings of Jesus? Or perhaps you are feeling burdened today from challenging life circumstances? At Heralds of Hope, we stand by you, ready to offer you the spiritual tools you need to be victorious and the HOPE you need to keep pressing on!

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