My Family

Last weekend, everyone came home. I find myself in a new phase of life where our children have become quite mobile. Our oldest daughter is married, and our son is dating; what used to be a family of 8 has now become 10. It is an event when they all manage to be in-house at […]

Hindi-Speakers Find HOPE

“Your programs helped me to know Jesus in the true sense.” Hope for Today is reaching Hindi-speaking people in India. In fact, in a three-month span, we received 256 responses from listeners. We’re excited to share some of the stories with you. What are Listeners Saying? “Pastor V leads a small house church and has […]

2022 Audited Financial Statement

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Heralds of Hope is required to request an audited financial statement by Certified Public Accountants. Our statements and the IRS Form 990 tax return for non-profits is now complete. As an organization, we value transparency and accountability and so you may download and view these documents right here on our website. Please feel free to […]

How Do I Love God?

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God is good. God is love. Love God and do good.  There are many lies about the love of God; it is one of the most lied-about topics in existence. Assuming the worst about God’s motives was part of the original deception, a question beginning, “Yea, hath God said…?” And those deceptions have increased until […]

The Important, Non-urgent Staff Day

If you have a vehicle, you know the importance of changing the oil and rotating the tires. Maintenance is not usually urgent, but it is valuable and can save many headaches later. Earlier this month, Heralds of Hope had a “maintenance” day. How can maintenance be done on people? Good question: this is a summary […]

Theology Is Important

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Theology sounds like a dry, dull topic which only causes arguments. This may be the case, depending on your love for deep thought and mental work. I was recently assigned the task of reading The Story of Christian Theology by Roger Olson. This book of six-hundred plus pages is not for the faint of heart […]

Reaching the Top 10

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By now, if you follow what’s happening at Heralds of Hope (HOH), you’re aware of our Broadcast Adoption program. To summarize, we invite churches, businesses, families, or individuals to sponsor a broadcast to a particular ethnic group or region of the world. Several churches and families have adopted broadcasts to people groups that are of […]

Now Is The Time – God is Moving

I sometimes wonder what it would’ve been like to be alive to witness some of the miracles in the Scriptures,  which have been read to many of us from childhood. I think of the parting of the Red Sea, and God’s supply of food to his people in the wilderness. Maybe your mind goes to […]

You are my source of encouragement

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Hope for Today is reaching Hausa-speaking people in Nigeria, Africa. In fact, in a six-month span, we received 17,971 responses from listeners. What are Listeners Saying? “We are listening all the time. My wife really enjoys your teachings too!” “I have enjoyed your teachings on The Covenant of Redemption. The redemption we have in Christ […]

What Is The Point Of Christianity? | Relationships Restored | Part 5

having a restored realtionship with god

It’s great to have you back for blog number five. If this is your first time joining us, we have been doing a series called “What is the point of Christianity?”. In this series, we’ve been looking at five answers to Christianity’s purpose.  In last week’s blog, we discussed what it means to have a […]

Can God Use Your Failure?

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None of us like to think about failing. The word may bring unpleasant thoughts to us about failures in our own lives or in others that have hurt us.  However, as much as we do not like thinking about failure, as long as we are in the flesh, there will be times we make mistakes […]

What Is The Point Of Christianity? | Relationships Broken | Part 4

broke relationship with god

In our third blog, we discussed “What is the point of Christianity if Christianity is not a religion?” This blog was the third installment of a series of the 5 R’s,  answering the question of “What is the point of Christianity?” The complete list of 5 R’s is Reality, Not Simply Religion, Broken Relationships, Restored […]

HOPE Products: Hope Herald 2023 – Exodus

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God and His People  “Let my people go, that they may serve me.” What is this service that they were called to?* Their work, service, and worship, was to be redirected from Pharaoh to God. And God would fight for them. If He has called you out, He will fight for you, too. Let’s set […]

What Is The Point Of Christianity? | Not Simply Religion | Part 3

what is the point of christianity relationship

In our second blog, we discussed “What is the point of Christianity?” in light of the fact that faith in Jesus is based on reality. This episode was the first installment of a series of the 5 R’s answering the question of “What is the point of Christianity?” The complete list of 5 R’s is […]

A Peek at the HOH WhatsApp Chats

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The weekend was a busy one on the Heralds of Hope WhatsApp account; our inbox was also overflowing with updates from our partners. It was neat to “be” in so many parts of the world and see how God is working. This work is accomplished through all of you who support HOH in various ways. […]

What Is The Point Of Christianity? – Faith Based In Reality – Part 2

what is the point of christianity faith based in reality

In our first part of the series, “What is the point of Christianity?” we took a look at the 5 Rs of the Christian faith. They are Reality, Not Simply Religion, Broken Relationships, Restored Relationships, and the Resurrection. In this blog, we will dive deeper into the reality of the fact that there is a […]

Bible Distribution

Heralds of Hope partners with in-culture believers to distribute Bibles. By collaborating closely with these partners around the world, we empower them to share God’s Word with their own communities.

Audio Content

Heralds of Hope offers two distinctive teaching programs: The Voice of Hope and Hope for Today, each centered on expository Bible teaching. The Voice of Hope is a weekly, thirty-minute program in English, while Hope for Today is a fifteen-minute international program offered in 26 languages. Both are available through radio and social media platforms.

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